- This year I learned how to ... be a better swimmer
- An important decision I made this year is...when to do my work
- One goal I accomplished this year is ...doing more ask and keeping track on every thing
- This year I tried to be a better person by...helping with stuff
- My favorite memory from this year was when...we played dodge ball
- The funniest thing that happened this year was...When Mrs Melville´s puppy peed on micah
Welcome to my e-Portfolio. Share in my learning journey. Visit often. Leave feedback. Enjoy!
Friday, 4 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Cool facts about a hot place
we were learning about the sun and moon and the stars I found this easy to do.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Narrtive Task
I was learning to write a narrative story. I found this hard cause i Kept going back and doing it over again but i am done.I think it is good. My next step is to get a little better at it by remembering to put speech marks in and paragraphs
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Term 4 Week 6
Last Week the whole school had a whole school assembly.It was about fantastic Fridays that the year 3,4,5's and 6 were doing the last five weeks. It was the last week for the fantastic Fridays so we did a showcase on all the groups I was in the Traditional sports we just did a slide show to show everyone I thought it was fun but the cricket in when we were playing found hard to do.It was hard cause I never play cricket before.
First we went to the classrooms that we had our fantastic Fridays teachers My group had to meet in room 21 and meet our teachers there then we lined up and went to assembly when we got there we found our spot and watched everyone come in and sit down then we started the assembly There were lots of groups and I liked cool Science cause the stuff that they did.
next we watched everyone,s I was kind of bored just siting down there but it was over and we went back to class and we talked about what we were doing and what we liked I thought it was cool.
I think we should do it again cause it is a lot of fun!!!!!!!
next we watched everyone,s I was kind of bored just siting down there but it was over and we went back to class and we talked about what we were doing and what we liked I thought it was cool.
I think we should do it again cause it is a lot of fun!!!!!!!
Monday, 16 November 2015
Swimming Sharks
MY Reflection:
I thought I did good at my arms but need more Practise for just putting my mouth out not my whole head and Need to go in a line not zing zag's everywhere cause that I thought I need more practise on that.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Term 4 Week 5
Last week we were doing our art. We were doing our jigsaw art there were to one was the rugby world cup and the other that only some people know which is a colourful elephant and I finished mine and other people that did not finish it would be up and it would look weird so you don't want to do that do you.
First we had to make a skecth and then we did the real thing I was doing good on mine but I only had one left and I finished it but when I finished it, We only had 20 minutes left of art so I was Lucky After you had finished you get to do SDL learning which Is a good thing so when I did that I went on with it.
We were doing this for our inqiury showcase in the school we saw a load of cool things there, I think Our one is the best one out of them all cause it is cool pictures the teachers choose.
I think we did the best art ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First we had to make a skecth and then we did the real thing I was doing good on mine but I only had one left and I finished it but when I finished it, We only had 20 minutes left of art so I was Lucky After you had finished you get to do SDL learning which Is a good thing so when I did that I went on with it.
We were doing this for our inqiury showcase in the school we saw a load of cool things there, I think Our one is the best one out of them all cause it is cool pictures the teachers choose.
I think we did the best art ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan and the three pigs
WE had to write a Fractured fairy tale and I choose Nathan and his three friends like the wolf and the three pigs I found it easy to do this cause it was your own and you dont have to copy of something
Narrative Framework
We were doing a fairy tale but it is different characters
and new places and you make it up.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Term 4 Week 4
Last Week Room 28/29 went and had a look at the inquiry showcase in the Auditorium. That is when every class in the school shows something to do with inquiry we are still doing our but it is not long till it goes up.
First We had to line up and we walked over to the Auditorium when we got there the whole class walked around looking at the cool things classes put up and I found something cool it was this thing were on person is on one side and the other on the other side and it is two plastic cup and one long piece of string one cup is tied to the string and the other cup is tied to the other side and it is like a phone but one person talks threw one and the other person puts it near there ear and hears them talking.
Next we found these things were you can put your head threw and it was a school person a girl and a boy it was not real but it must be a long time to make it cause classes are not that big.
I found it cool looking at the stuff that you can do and see at the inquiry showcase you should have a look at the awesome things that the classes like me and cause it is AWESOME!!!!!!
First We had to line up and we walked over to the Auditorium when we got there the whole class walked around looking at the cool things classes put up and I found something cool it was this thing were on person is on one side and the other on the other side and it is two plastic cup and one long piece of string one cup is tied to the string and the other cup is tied to the other side and it is like a phone but one person talks threw one and the other person puts it near there ear and hears them talking.
Next we found these things were you can put your head threw and it was a school person a girl and a boy it was not real but it must be a long time to make it cause classes are not that big.
I found it cool looking at the stuff that you can do and see at the inquiry showcase you should have a look at the awesome things that the classes like me and cause it is AWESOME!!!!!!
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Term 4 Week 2
AthleticsLast week we did athletics we did it in ages. Not last week but the week before the year 4 5 6,s did practise each day but not together I was good at running and long jump and good at high jump when we did the real one it was pretty easy to do but some other people found it hard.
First we all came to the Field when we had finished or morning tea time and we went in our ages and sat in our line then waited for everyone to come and sit down when everyone came then we started going to our rotations my age started of at sprints which I am kind of good at I came 3rd place or 2nd place and made it into the Finals of running I was fast if I raced the girls in my age I would win I am not sure if I made it into the athletics team for running but in soft ball throws I was bad at throwing the ball far but I got a place for it which is good some people threw far some threw short but I fun. Thomas on his first turn he threw it so far he was standing on the cone the whole time we did it.
Next we went to high jump went on the side that we were good at doing high jump I did pretty good on my high jump on my side I came third and almost came second but it was too high Then we did long jump and on the first round I came 1st and on the second round I came 2nd but on the first round people jumped far but stepped on the brown and not on the white so that did not count if you were on a ruler you would be into the finals and I made it to the finals but I have not done that yet but soon I will vs the 9 year old boys or girls and the other people that came to the finals are Dee in my class and Riley S in room 13 and Interz in room 14 I am looking forward to that .
I had so much fun doing athletics on Friday it would be good if we did it again some time.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Geometry - 3D Shapes
When we did this i found it tricky at first but when i went to the workshop i found it easy and after we had to pack up the next time i finished this and when i learnt how to do it i also found it easy to do this.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Kensukes Kingdom
My reflection
I found this hard to do and It is hard to do cause when you guess it. it is hard to understand the words and what they mean
My next step is to think more harder to what the word is saying and look for key words in the sentence.
I found this hard to do and It is hard to do cause when you guess it. it is hard to understand the words and what they mean
My next step is to think more harder to what the word is saying and look for key words in the sentence.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Term 3 Week 7
This Week in the morning we did a rookie meeting and we were talking about what was good and bat was bad about masters and the rookies I think it is good but the last few weeks my master has been not doing anything to help me she is just going of to do her tasks with her friend and I do It by my self but it is still good cause last week I finished all my tasks by Tuesday but not my speech but then the rest of the week i did my speech and then i write it all and just have to let the teacher read my speech and the i am done my speech and now we have done a plan with what we are going to do so now i might be a lvl 3 person and then a MASTER
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Kensuke's Kingdom
What we did
at the beginning we had to listen carefully to the chapter because it was really long when we were reading we where keeping track and drawing were he had been after that we had to make a animation about where he had been and this is mine and Micah's we are very happy how we did this the project was very fun and hard at the same time.
at the beginning we had to listen carefully to the chapter because it was really long when we were reading we where keeping track and drawing were he had been after that we had to make a animation about where he had been and this is mine and Micah's we are very happy how we did this the project was very fun and hard at the same time.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Term 3 Week 6
On Tuesday we went to youth town and we learnt how to play HOCKEY and we did good when we where learning my team always won each round but one round and we played a game that was so much fun last time we played basket ball I not good at It but then I was.The game that we played was fun and I won once I almost won once more but I got out and Kayde won I love going to youth Town to play cool games like when we were going to play Hokey I thought It will not be fun but they make It fun and you learn stuff new then you want to play but I still like Rugby the best.
I wish we could go every day because It is so much fun!!
I wish we could go every day because It is so much fun!!
Friday, 24 July 2015
My Poster
My Reflection:
I was learning to create a well-designed poster.
I meet the criteria by making my own one but it took a while to understand
I was learning to create a well-designed poster.
I meet the criteria by making my own one but it took a while to understand
Tree Planting
Today Room 28/29 went down just outside the back of the field we did tree planting.On the way down we saw lots of puddles Blake splashed in some puddles on the ways there and they were big puddles and they made big splash's.

First we leraned how to make the right size hole Then we put something called a feriliser pellets which we put in first be for the plant so it can grow faster so I planted about 8 or 7 but it was fun anyway.
Next we planted until we had to pack up but I wanted to do more so then we did our last plant then we put our spade away and washed our hands because they will be muddy and dirty so after we lined up and went back to class.

I was tierd and it was fun!!
I was learning to add detail to my story to give the reader more informotion I used thoughts and adjectives I think I need to explain more about what I am writing about
First we leraned how to make the right size hole Then we put something called a feriliser pellets which we put in first be for the plant so it can grow faster so I planted about 8 or 7 but it was fun anyway.
I was tierd and it was fun!!
I was learning to add detail to my story to give the reader more informotion I used thoughts and adjectives I think I need to explain more about what I am writing about
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Finding and Summarising Information
My Reflection
I have been learning to find and summarise information from a text. We have been learning about the brain. I found some facts form the internet. I found this easy because I had some ideas already. My next step is to summarise information in my own words because I just copy and pasted some of it.
My Speech Brainstorm
My Reflection
I have been learning to write a speech. This is a brainstorm that I did on Popplet. I found it easy at first but then it got a little hard to find more ideas that I needed to put in. My next step is to find more information from the Internet.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Bike Skills
:My Reflection
We did bkie skills for the past few weeks and I enjoyed it a lot because we did easy stuff but the bike were not my kind.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Kaitiaki art
My Refletion :
WE were learning to draw a guardion I was drawing Tane Mahuta it was hard and took a long long time to do but was fun doing it.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Recount Rugby on Saturday
On the weekend I went to Rugby and soon I will show you soon why I write this so read closely it was at howick domian
First when I got there we trained then we did something to see how much we have done on tackels and runs and hit ups If we got more then 10 tackels and we would get a chocolate if we got it but I did not get it I got 7 but ... I did really really good got player of the day I did so so so so well I got it, a chocolate I am getting a chocolate on Tuesday at training at 5 30 pm which is Awsome because I want a chocolate every day we can it I think every time we do so so so so well.
Then after we did some training the team did not come so we were about leave but ... they come WE HAVE A GAME that is how I got player of the day I was happy so was my dad we went to get lollies and L&P it was nice as then we got home and did stuff and played with Taz our puppy.
IT was the bets day EVER
Then after we did some training the team did not come so we were about leave but ... they come WE HAVE A GAME that is how I got player of the day I was happy so was my dad we went to get lollies and L&P it was nice as then we got home and did stuff and played with Taz our puppy.
IT was the bets day EVER
Monday, 15 June 2015
Blog Recount
Nathan,s Party
On the weekend on the 13th of June I went to Nathan,s party I was the third person there I had the most best party ever Blake was first there.
First Nathan showed me around then peter turned up then a Nother person turn up but I did not know his name but we had fun after every one turned up we did a hunt I found one of them Tevin was not playing fair because he was geting them all them but it was fun.
Next we did a moive whitch was awsome I had the best time of my life then we drank L&P it was nice then had lollies no one has had that kind of birthday
I went home after I want to stay because it was so much fun
Next we did a moive whitch was awsome I had the best time of my life then we drank L&P it was nice then had lollies no one has had that kind of birthday
I went home after I want to stay because it was so much fun
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
On Tuesdays room 28 go down to bike skills while the year 5's do something else .The field we always do it is on the back field.
First we got into our groups of 1 to 4. I was is group four. I always had to share a bike with some one but I really wanted my own bike. The bikes that we used I had not ridden before and the seat was too high.This week is our last week to do bike skills but I want to do more and more
Next we ride our bikes and help us learn if we have not ridden a bike before but I knew all ready there was only a few people that did not know how to ride a bike
I always at the end feel happy and want to do MORE!!!!!!!!
First we got into our groups of 1 to 4. I was is group four. I always had to share a bike with some one but I really wanted my own bike. The bikes that we used I had not ridden before and the seat was too high.This week is our last week to do bike skills but I want to do more and more
Next we ride our bikes and help us learn if we have not ridden a bike before but I knew all ready there was only a few people that did not know how to ride a bike
I always at the end feel happy and want to do MORE!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Addition and Subtraction strategies
My Reflection
IT was hard doing it because we were a little bit stuck on it but it was fun.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Term 2 Week 2
Last Tuesday Room 28 started Bike Skills. They told us what we need to be safe and how to ride a bike we are doing it every Tuesday.`
Monday, 30 March 2015
African praise poem
My reflection
I have been learning to write a African praise poem.
i was surprised that i could find stuff. It was easy to do the end.
My next step is to use creative words.
My next step is to use creative words.
Charlotte's Web Interpret Diagrams
I have been learning to do some challenges and this one is what I choose it was easy to do this one
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Monday, 23 March 2015
One scary dark night I went camping with my dad and we went to the scariest place. We set up the tent and went to bed and at the middle I suddenly saw a pig with a gun and a chainsaw. He came out of a cave with a BLAST. He went blo blo blo and I ran into the tent. He went roared and he went roar roar roar and he crashed down our tent. Dad woke up and said "RUN! Run for your lives!"
We ran and ran until we found the three pigs house made of bricks and hid in there!
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Term 1 Week
This week room 28/29 were Learning about the 100 word challenge. It is that you have to write 100 words in any time you want. we did and it was hard for some of us because we wanted to write more but it was only 100 words and I write by not counting how many and I counted once or twice and had 120 that was also way to many and then after we read it with a buddy.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Place Value
The thing that helped me most was:
- remembering to look at the left to see if the digits are bigger
- using streets and houses to break up bigger numbers
- seeing patterns in the numbers that don’t change when they get bigger
- practising on Mathletics
My next step is to:To Do high numbers
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Term 1 Week 6
This Week I enjoyed Room 28 coming 2nd in Mathletices in the school Because I have never been 2nd ever room 20 came in 1st place and got the class award and Braxton got himself a Mathletices.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Term 1 Week 5
This Week Room 28/29 paired Year 4 and Year 5. We were Reading a book about blue whales and were Given a challenge we had to do it. It was ...12 whale things we had to complete all the stuff and we will win a prize. We had done 2 and and 5 started.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Term 1 Week 4
Last Week Room 28/29 went to sports with Youth town we played Capture the flag it was so much fun.I tried getting the ball but the other people in my team needed me so I helped them get back.I was the non bib team they won all the time.
Friday, 13 February 2015
My 2015 Welcome Post
Welcome to my Year 4 learning blog.This year l am in room 28/29 and my teachers are Mrs Graham and Mrs Melville. l enjoy our class room this year i am looking forward to ... THE SLEEP OVER! I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback
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